Board of directors
On May 22, 2024, 7 board members were elected at the Annual General Meeting. The board has appointed an audit committee and a remuneration committee. A summary of the board members is found in the table below and a presentation of each member is found below.
Name | Board function | Audit committee | Remuneration committee |
Carola Lemne | Chairperson | Chairperson | |
Catharina Gustafsson Wallich | Member | Member | |
Daniel Johnsson | Member | Member | |
Christer Nordstedt | Member | Member | |
Gunnar Olsson | Member | ||
Rein Piir | Member | Member | |
Veronica Wallin | Member | Chairperson |

Carola Lemne
Chairperson, born 1958
Member of board since 2019
Education and background: MD, PhD and an associate professor at Karolinska Institute. Previously CEO of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Swe: Svenskt Näringsliv) and Danderyd University Hospital, as well as president and CEO of Praktikertjänst AB and clinical research manager and manager at Pharmacia Corp. Carola Lemne has previously served on the boards of Getinge, Apoteket, MEDA, Investor and AFA Insurance, as well as board member of the foundation for strategic research ‘Statliga delegationen för klinisk forskning’, Stockholm university, the institute ‘Institutet för Näringslivsforskning’ and the Swedish Corporate Governanace Board, and chair of the board for the education council for clinical trials (Swe: Svenska Utbildningsrådet för Klinisk Prövning at Uppsala University.
Other ongoing assignments: Chair of Ung Företagsamhet Sverige and UF Support AB. Board member of Arjo AB (publ), Calgo Enterprise AB, Ramatuelle Holdings III AB (publ), Brf Munklägret nr 14, Terveystalo Oy and Hjärt-Lungfonden Svenska Nationalföreningen mot hjärt- och lungsjukdomar.
Holdings: 10,000 Class A shares.
Considered independent of the company, its management and major shareholders.

Catharina Gustafsson
born 1964
Member of board since 2022
Education and background: Bachelor’s degree in business administration and studies in political science. 30 years of experience in life science. Experience in international corporate management with senior positions within AstraZeneca, Amgen International and Shire Pharmaceuticals. Knowledge in business and product development, R&D, market access, marketing and development of commercial strategies. Co-founder of PCW Consultants AB. Currently mentor at The Nordic Mentor Network for Entrepreneurship and consultant at PCW Consultants AB.
Other ongoing assignments: Board member of Mevia AB and deputy board member at PCW Consultants AB.
Shareholding: None.
Considered not independent of the company and its management, but independent of the major shareholders.

Christer Nordstedt
born 1962
Member of board since 2023
Education and background: MD, Doctor of Medicine and associate professor in pharmacology and biochemistry at Karolinska Institute. Research training with Nobel laureate Paul Greengard at Rockefeller University in New York. More than twenty years of international experience as a research and business leader in the pharmaceutical industry. Held positions such as global head of research for innovative medicines at Teva Pharmaceuticals, responsible for research and development at Orion Cooperation, Vice President at AstraZeneca, Senior Vice President at Hoffman-LaRoche and Eli Lilly. Former board member of Orion Diagnostics and Fermion and CEO of Vivesto AB. Currently CEO of Oblique Therapeutics AB (publ) and its subsidiary CINDA PHARMA AB.
Other ongoing assignments: Chairperson of the Board at Wntresearch AB and Snevringe AB. Board member of CINDA PHARMA AB.
Shareholding: None.
Considered independent of the company and its management but not independent of major shareholders.

Daniel Johnsson
born 1968
Member of board since 2023
Education and background: Civil engineering studies in electrical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Studies in economics at the Gothenburg School of Economics. Military service. Many years of experience in running and holding leading positions in listed companies. Former founder and CEO of Exertis CapTech Ab, co-founder of Fractal Gaming AB, former main owner of Inet AB and CapTech Distribution AB. Many years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry through assignments as chairperson of the board in Oblique Therapeutics AB (publ) and its subsidiary CINDA PHARMA AB as well as in NanoEcho AB (publ). Currently CEO of Quiq Holding AB.
Other ongoing assignments: Chairperson of the Board of NanoEcho AB (publ), CINDA PHARMA AB, Postery AB, Renable AB and Admazing AB. Board member of Quiq Holding AB, CapTech Holding AB, JOSI Holding AB, JHD Holding AB, Tura Group AB, Flower Infrastructure Technologies AB, Brink Commerce AB, Chilimobil Sweden AB, Hilke Collection AB and Playground TV AB.
Shareholding: 4,500,400 Class A shares and 1,829,391 Class A shares through legal entities/relatives.
Considered independent of the company and its management, but not independent of the major shareholders.

Gunnar Olsson
born 1953
Member of board since 2017
CEO since 2023
Education and background: MD, PhD, associate professor at the Karolinska Institute, and honorary doctor of medicine at the Gothenburg University. Adjucnt professor at the Karolinska Institute 1998-2010. 35-years experience in life science industry. Served in leading positions in AstraZeneca for 25 years, whereof 10 years as head of the Therapy Areas Cardiovascular and Gastrointestinal in Global R&D. Been responsible for the development of seven global blockbusters/mega brands. Since 2013 served at board level and been consulting in bio-tech companies emanating from Swedish academic research.
Other ongoing assignments: Vice chair in Hjärt-Lungfonden Svenska Nationalföreningen mot hjärt- och lungsjukdomar and Bundy Academy at Lund’s University. Board member in Amplifier Tx AB, Betagenon AB, Betagenon Bio AB, Gesynta Pharma AB and Olsson Solutions AB. Principal (sw: bolagsman) in Olsson Solutions Kommanditbolag.
Shareholding: 4,000 Class A shares.
Considered independent of the company’s major shareholders but not independent of the company and company management (employed).

Rein Piir
born 1958
Member of board since 2016
Education and background: B.Sc. Business Economics and Management, Uppsala University. 35 years’ experience in advising on capital market issues, including positions as head of research at Carnegie Investment Bank, strategist at Alecta, CFO/IR at Medivir and auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers AB, head of IR at Oncopeptides AB and, through Piir & Partner AB assisting in investor relations at Camurus AB.
Other ongoing assignments: Chair of Piir & Partner AB. Board member L.E. Svensson Snickeri AB.
Shareholding: 36,333 Class A shares, 5,567 Class B shares, through legal entities/relatives.
Considered independent of the company, its management and major shareholders.

Veronica Wallin
born 1986
Member of board since 2023
Education and background: M.Sc. in business administration (1 year) at Stockholm University. Studies in marketing, PR, communication, and accounting at The State University of New York at New Paltz. Ten years of experience in Life Science, including through board assignments and leading positions in companies within the industry. Held positions as board member in Alligator Bioscience, CFO at the pharmacy company ApoEx AB and as an auditor at BDO. Currently CFO at the MedTech company Episurf Medical AB.
Other ongoing assignments: Board member of Episurf Europe AB, Episurf Operations AB, Episurf IP-Management AB, Episurf DE GmbH, Episurf UK Ltd and Episurf Australia Pty Ltd.
Shareholding: None.
Considered independent of the company, its management and major shareholders.
Ongoing assignments refer to assignments registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office as of April 29, 2024 and do not include assignments within the IRLAB group. Shareholdings refer to holdings registered in the Euroclear Sweden AB share register as of April 30, 2024, adjusted for changes known by the company up to April 30, 2024.