IRLAB invites to a conference call in connection with the signed licensing deal with Ipsen for drug candidate mesdopetam
IRLAB (Nasdaq Stockholm: IRLAB A) announced late yesterday that a licensing agreement has been entered with the global biopharmaceutical company Ipsen for the drug candidate mesdopetam. In connection with this, IRLAB invites investors, analysts and media to a conference call on July 16, 2021, at 10:00 CET.
IRLAB (Nasdaq Stockholm: IRLAB A) announced late yesterday that a licensing agreement has been entered with the global biopharmaceutical company Ipsen for the drug candidate mesdopetam. In connection with this, IRLAB invites investors, analysts and media to a conference call on July 16, 2021, at 10:00 CET.
The presentation will be held by IRLAB’s CEO Nicholas Waters and CFO Viktor Siewertz in English and will conclude with a Q&A session. Questions can be asked live or in written form through the webcast.
Date and time
Friday July 16, 2021, at 10:00 CET.
Webcast link
Phone number
+46 8 505 218 97 with code 545658623#
The presentation will be recorded and may be published afterwards.