IRLAB announces change in share capital and number of shares following registered directed share issue

January 29, 2021

IRLAB (Nasdaq Stockholm: IRLAB A) announced today that the number of shares and votes has changed due to the directed share issue (“Share Issue”), resolved by the Board of Directors in December 2020.


IRLAB (Nasdaq Stockholm: IRLAB A) announced today that the number of shares and votes has changed due to the directed share issue (“Share Issue”), resolved by the Board of Directors in December 2020.

Through the registration of the Share Issue, the number of class B shares and votes in IRLAB have increased with 3,250,000 shares and votes. Today, the last day of trading in the month, there are totally 51 748 406votes and shares, of which 51 668 630 shares are of class A and 79 776 shares are of class B. Both class A and class B shares has one vote per share.

This disclosure contains information that IRLAB Therapeutics AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 29-01-2021 19:00 CET.
